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Webster Tarpley Presentation on 9/11 Truth Activism

Sunday, 08 July 2007
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

San Diegan's for 9/11 Truth is proud to present Webster Griffin Tarpley at the Joyce Beers Community Center July 8th 2007 at 6.30pm.

Webster Tarpley is the world's leading exposer of false flag terrorism. His 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA, has been called the Bible of the
9/11 Truth Movement. Amazon's top nonfiction book reviewer, Robert David Steele, called it "the strongest of the 770+ books I have reviewed here at Amazon." It is the only source that explains the working of the terror network behind acts like 9/11, the OKC bombing, the JFK assassination or the Gulf of Tonkin hoax, using his model of moles, patsies, hit men, a
privatized intelligence center, and the controlled corporate media. To read the e-book version of this book click here: http://sandiego.indymedia.org/media/2006/10/119638.pdf

Webster Tarpley is a member of Axis for Peace, Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Netzwerk a research network of German 9/11 authors.

Webster Tarpley draws on an astonishing store of experience, erudition and up-to-the-minute intelligence information. He is often a guest on the KPFK mid-day news to share his inside track on the latest political and military developments.

Webster has long been the world's most incisive analytical critic and historian of the psychological warfare techniques of the British, now Anglo-American empire, with its war pretexts, geopolitics of divide and conquer, its subversion and destruction of rival empires - of which the neocon "war on terror" is the latest chapter.

Within the 9/11 Truth movement Tarpley is the standard-bearer of the
"MIHOP (Made it happen on purpose) faction" - those who uncompromisingly
reject the 9/11 Arab hijacker myth, forcefully assert that 9/11 was an inside job, and call to bring the perpetrators to justice.

An indefatigable activist, Tarpley is also our most experienced and astute political operative, and the strategic mastermind behind tactical
proposals like the International Independent Truth Commission, and call-in campaigns to spread our message by talk radio. His latest recommendation, the camcorder-carrying 9/11 Truth Squads, is proving its ability to force public figures, presidential candidates and the media to confront 9/11 truth. In May 2007, after an Austin Truth Squad got Sen. John Kerry to publicly admit Bldg. WTC7 was a controlled demolition, Tarpley was invited to defend his views against Hannity and Colmes on Fox TV News.

In the 4th edition of 9/11 Synthetic Terror released in April 2007, Tarpley calls on 9/11 Truthers to rise to the challenge of forming a mass political movement. The key, he says, is for us to practice diversity and civility in discussion, unity in action.

Tune into We The People Radio Network http://wtprn.com/ for Webster Tarpley's World Crisis Radio talk show on Internet streaming radio, Network 4, every Thursday, 5 - 7 PM.

Don’t miss this extraordinaty opportunity to hear
Webster Tarpley live at Joyce Beers Community Ctr., San Diego, Sunday, July 8, 2007 - 6:30 PM.

Joyce Beers Community Center 3900 Vermont St., SD 92103 Hillcrest/Uptown Shopping Center - 2 blocks north of University Ave


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