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  November 2005  
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Watsonville Brown Berets

Thursday, 17 November 2005
7:00 PM - 12:00 AM

The Brown Berets are a historical part of the Chicano movement that was launched during the late 1960's. Our organization has been active in Watsonville since 1994 in responce to gang violance and ignorance that was taking the lives of our young people. Since then we have worked tirelessly on issues such as police harrassment, imrovement of our educational institutions, and demanding the voice of the disenfranchised community to be heard. We believe that through education, spiritaulity, cultura, and resistance that we can create effective changes in this society. We invite you to join our efforts. Mexica TIahui!!

406 Main Street and Beach Suite# 408b
(First Floor behind the Luttnich ( Ritmo Latino)Bld)
Watsonville, Califaztlan 95076

Cost: Dedication, an open mind, and corazon

Directions: Accroos the street of the Watsonville plaza and
next to Plaza Vigil



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