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  December 2004  
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Standout at the State House: The electors will be there!

Monday, 13 December 2004
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Each day, more stories emerge that strongly suggest that fraud took place in
the presidential election of November 2, 2004. On Monday, December 13, the
electors in each state will go to their state houses and cast their vote.
We are urging them to take action to bring attention to the allegations and
to demand correction.

Standout at the State House: The electors will be there!

* Raise Awareness: 57,000 voting incidents reported to U.S. Congress
* Raise Funds: Support voter fraud investigations in Ohio and Florida
* Petition Massachusetts Electors: Don't cast your vote on Dec. 13
* Urge U.S. Senators: Refuse to certify electoral count on Jan. 6

Massachusetts State House

URL: http://www.caef.us



* Donations

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