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  December 2004  
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Booksigning and Talk with Author Starhawk and her new book: Earth Path: Grounding Your Spirit in the Rhythms of Nature.

Wednesday, 08 December 2004
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM

Organizer: Santa Barbara Permaculture Network

A talk for people new to the ideas of blending earth-based spirituality with political action on behalf of the planet and its peoples.

Starhawk, committed global justice activist and organizer, is the author or coauthor of ten books, including The Spiral Dance, The Fifth Sacred Thing, and the award-winning Webs of Power: Notes from the Global Uprising. Her latest is Earth Path: Grounding Your Spirit in the Rhythms of Nature. She is a veteran of progressive movements, from anti-war to anti-nukes, is a highly influential voice in the revival of earth-based spirituality and Goddess religion, and has brought many innovative techniques of spirituality and magic to her political work. Her web site is www.starhawk.org.

Starhawk is a veteran of progressive movements, from anti-war to anti-nukes, and is deeply committed to bringing the techniques and creative power of spirituality to political activism. Her work in progressive movements spans over 35 years, beginning as an organizer in her high school during the days of the Vietnam War. In the years since, she has organized, trained protestors, and been on the front lines of antinuclear actions at Diablo Canyon, Livermore Weapons Lab, Vandenberg Air Force Base, and the Nevada Test Site, among others. She traveled to Nicaragua with Witness for Peace in 1984 and made two trips to El Salvador to give ongoing support for sustainability programs. For a number of years she has traveled to the Occupied Territories of Palestine and to Israel, working for peace with local activists of both sides. A main focus for the last several years has been the global justice movement; Starhawk has taken part in many of the major actions, including those in Seattle, Washington DC, Quebec City, Genoa, New York City, Cancun, Mexico, and Miami. She co-founded RANT, Root Activists' Network of Trainers (www.rant.org), and teaches non-violent direct action trainings for these demonstrations, as well as for groups throughout the US, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Palestine, and South America.

She is active in the revived American peace movement, and contributes her time to countless environmental and land use issues. Together with Penny Livingston-Stark and Erik Ohlsen, she coteaches EAT, Earth Activist Training, intensive seminars that combine permaculture design, effective activism, and earth-based spirituality (www.earthactivisttraining.org).

Starhawk is perhaps best known as an articulate pioneer in the revival of earth-based spirituality and Goddess religion. Besides her inspiring, much-read books, she is a cofounder of Reclaiming, an activist branch of modern Pagan religion, and continues to work closely with the Reclaiming community (www.reclaiming.org). She consulted on and contributed to the popular trio of films known as the Women's Spirituality series (directed by Donna Read): Goddess Remembered, The Burning Times, and Full Circle. Starhawk and Donna Read recently formed their own film company, Belili Productions. Their first release is Signs Out of Time (2004), a documentary on the life of archaeologist Marija Gimbutas, the scholar whose discoveries sparked the Goddess movement (www.belili.org). Starhawk and Donna are at work on their next film, an introduction to permaculture.

COSponsored by Student Sustainability Coalition @ SBCC , Santa Barbara Permaculture Network and KCSB 91.9 FM

Faulkner Gallery Downtown Library 40 E Anapuma

Cost: $5

URL: http://www.sbpermaculture.org Upcoming Events


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