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  December 2004  
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"Jihad: Struggling with Islam"

Wednesday, 01 December 2004
7:30 PM - 10:00 PM

Organizer: 38 Cameron

featuring director Hina Khan in person

38 Cameron is proud to present the US premiere of this powerful, personal, first-person film of the director, Hina Khan. The Toronto-born 34 year-old broadcaster documents her journey as the events of 9/11 forced her to come to terms with what it means to be a Muslim and if this was a religion she wanted to be a part of.

Filmed in Toronto, Canada and London, England, she meets a variety of Muslims from open and inclusive progressives to fundamentalists who celebrated the events of 9/11

Reception with Hina Khan following the film.

38 Cameron is a unique new event center with a broad offering of public events including film presentations, speaker events and discussions. By creating and hosting public forums to explore different areas of interest, it is fast becoming a thriving community cultural center in North Cambridge. It is also now open as an art gallery.

38 Cameron Avenue, Suite 100
(just outside of Davis Square)
Cambridge, MA 02140
**Note: There are two 38 Cameron addresses on Cameron Avenue! Be sure to go to the one 100 yards away from Massachusetts Avenue on the Cambridge side!

Cost: $10 (students: $5)

URL: http://www.38cameron.com


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