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  November 2004  
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Public Hearing at Fanueil Hall about B.U.'s Bioterrorism Lab

Wednesday, 10 November 2004
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

The Coalition received the DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (DEIS) for the lab. The DEIS is required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The National Institutes of Health (NIH) prepared the DEIS because it is funding the lab through one of its institutes, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). As you might have guessed, NIH has decided in the DEIS that it should go ahead and fund the BU lab.

NIH will hold a public hearing on November 10 on the DEIS.  Before then, we will send out a summary of the DEIS and suggestions for the November 10 public hearing.

If you want a copy of the DEIS, call Susan St. Pierre at Ft. Point Associates (BU's consultant) at 617-357-7044 and ask for a copy of the DEIS for the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory (the federal government's fancy name for the lab).  If Ms. Pierre is not in, ask the office manager at Ft. Point Associates for a copy of the DEIS.

(This process is different from the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) process.  As you may remember written comments to the MEPA office are due November 8. We will send out suggested comments early next week so you have time to mail in your own comments by November 5.)

Fanueil Hall



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