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  November 2004  
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Bring The Troops Home Panel

Wednesday, 03 November 2004
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Organizer: Campus Anti War Network

Both Bush and Kerry have made it very clear that they will continue the
occupation of Iraq, which has claimed the lives of over 100,000 Iraqis
and 1,000 U.S. Troops in escalating brutality and horror.  If we want
the atrocities to cease, a fight against it will need to be waged
regardless of the outcome of this election. Come and hear what this war
has meant for military families, U.S. labor and Arab Americans and why
it will take struggle from below to put it to an end! This anti-war
panel will kick off the year for the Northeastern University Campus
Against War & Racism, a chapter of the Campus Anti-War Network
(C.A.N.). Come and be a part of the discussion on what  this war really
is and what it really means to those suffering from it, and what we can
do to stop it.
       Please forward this email to any friends and list-serves that
might be interested.


   -An Anti-War panel with:
 Elaine Hagopian:
     -editor of "Civil Rights in Peril"  and member of American-Arab
Anti-Discrimination Committee.

Peter Knowlton:
     -President of UE District 2 and United States Labor Against War

Military Families Speak Out
     -Speaker to be announced

Khury Peterson-Smith:
     -ISO, CAN member and eyewitness report on Iraq.
7pm Wednesday Nov. 3rd

Northeastern University Doge Hall room 450

Cost: ?

Directions: (take the E-line to Northeastern University T-stop, building is on
your left).

URL: http://Jazzmankai@hotmail.com



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